* Spark ( 메신저 클라이언트) - eclipse에서 빌드하기
1. 기존 IDE - eclipse , EGit, JDK, Ant
2. 소스 download - https://github.com/igniterealtime/Spark.git
3. build - build/build.xml
4. run
1) Run -> Run Configurations 선택
2) Java Application -> New 선택
(1) Main탭
: Name, Project, Main class를 등록Main class는 Startup를 Search )
(2) Calsspath 탭
: src/resources를 등록
(3) JRE탭 : 1.8를 선택
5. installer - build/installer/spark.install4j
설치본의 위치를 변경하는 부분
mysql> grant all privileges on openfire.* to openfire@`%` identified by 'password’ with grant option;
mysql> flush privileges;
For Mac OS X
1. Adium
- https://www.adium.im
- Enable XMPP Advanced Features (Default: Off)
- To enable the XML Console menu run the following command in Terminal: defaults write com.adiumX.adiumX AMXMPPShowAdvanced -bool YES
- File > [Logged in User] > XML Console.
- stream 메시지는 안 보이고 stanzas 메시지만 보임.
- 참조 : https://developer.cisco.com/media/finesseDevGuide4.1/cfin_r_adium-for-mac-os-x.html
2. Spark
- http://www.igniterealtime.org/downloads/index.jsp
For Windows
1. Gajim
- https://gajim.org/
- Actions > Advanced > Show XML Console 메뉴.
- 근데 가상 windows 에서 잘 안됨. XML Console 은 보이는데 대화창에 대화가 안 보임.ㅠ
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